In-depth turbulent multiphase flow, aerodynamics, micro-and nano-fluid dynamics, hydrodynamics, environmental fluid dynamics visualization researc
Complex Turbulence and Engineering Applications
Revealer high-frequency PIV system to study the motion patterns of turbulent coherent structures, dynamical action mechanisms in turbulence, and energy transfer mechanisms

Multiphase Flow Study
Measurement of size, shape, position, and kinetic velocity parameters of bubbles and bubble populations by Revealer high-speed video camera and two-phase flow measurement and analysis technology

Aerodynamic Research
Revealer PIV-PLIF system to study the collisional flow of temperature-differentiated heterogeneous flow in the atmospheric boundary layer
Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Hydromechanical Research
Revealer TOMO-PIV particle image velocimetry system to study and measure the complex kinematic properties and force analysis of sparse particles in water streams